Knowing the total parameters of Photography is perhaps one of the most important talents of a designer. How light falls on an object is everything. Ron has taught national seminars at major universities all across this nation on photography and graphics. He has spoken to large groups on the dictates of what the photo means to great design. He has studied under the best and taught some of the best in this nation.

Directing photography started at Angelo State University where Cook taught Communication Arts and was the director of university publications. The president of the university was a stickler for great photos of the campus and students. Cook and the university photographers saw to it that the best is all he got.

Cook has directed photography on some of the greatest shoots one could be lucky enough to get -- off-shore rigs for the oil companies, giant skyscrapers for some of his steel accounts, and yes, some frilly fashion design publications too. It is all part of the job and they are all important to a perfectionist.


Photography is about kids, animals, healthy people and specific subjects. Many times if one is wanting to reach the most expansive market with a photo, having one of the above will sell almost anything with the product or the service sitting along side. Unusual subject matter is another thing. Strange shapes or unusual viewpoints also can gain visual impact for almost any message.

Mystery or the utilization of some unfamiliar object or subject matter can give that little extra linger to a graphic that piques the mind to ponder just a little longer. Visual impact can be accomplished with color or form as expressed through the elements and principles of design. Remember, Cook taught advanced design on the university level...He can bring that expertise to your organization no matter what the product or service might be. He can make it pop!

As a designer, Ron has worked with some of the finest photographers in the country. He knows their language and knows what they need to take the very best photograph/s your company may need. As a director, cook has spent weeks, no months working with groups of photographers on huge assignments just shooting a video for a company institutional. He knows how to keep them happy and producing quality products for your all important message. It all has to keep the mind of the target audience in check and entertained.



Today, photography is almost like painting with pixels rather than a brush. Adobe Photoshop has given the designer the interface application that will eventually become the focus of all design-related work. Cook has been doing photoshop compositions for decades. He started with the first offering from Adobe and has been keeping up ever since. He loves the attitude that the software allows the artist and designer. When you add photography to illustration techniques it just becomes something else entirely.

Creativity with photography requires a mind that can take all the parameters of the visual elements and principles into account, then output the data in a design that will sell. The great thing about Ron is that his mind can accommodate all that stuff on the fly. Thinking fast saves money and with him it is always good.

Informating is an expansive term. It came about back in 1982 when Ron and his former partner developed some copy for a computer client. The company has evolved into many other organizations over the years and no longer use the term, but Cook has always kept it as an important aspect of how he does business by amplifying the information both verbally and visually. It is the total product that informates the will of the client.

Publication Photos 2006
